Formation of Israel: 1947

The debate on the borders of Israel and Palestine have been
discussed frequently since the formation of the state.

The tension between the Arabs and Jews has caused conflict in areas regarding a new Zionist state, but although the conflict is prominent, the Jewish People and the world acknowledge that they deserve their own state. The partition of Palestine for a Jewish state happened after the Holocaust when six million European Jews were killed. After the holocaust, no country would deny the Jewish People of this since they were persecuted mainly because they had no homeland. The remaining Jews applied pressure on Britain because they controlled the region that the Jewish People wanted; however, the Arab countries surrounding it wanted the British to stop the Jewish immigration to Palestine entirely. This created a dispute two large for Britain to handle and as a result, they handed the situation over to the Untied Nations. The U.N. proposed that they would split Palestine into two separate states, one for the Arabs ad the other for the Jewish. Also, the separation proposal even required the disintegration of British troops by August 1948.The plan was accepted by the Israelites but the Palestinians/Arabs rejected the entire proposal and threatened a war with the Israelites if they declared Israel a  state. As a result of this, both nations chose to ignore the proposal and to instead engage in war. As the war progressed the Jewish people obtained land originally not granted to them in the United Nations proposal. This land has called for dispute between the two regions that are claiming the land belongs to them. Many outside opinions’ such as Muslims and Christians have sided with the Jewish People because in their religious texts is clearly says that Israel is land given to them by the Lord. Also, no one wants to give the Jewish People a difficult time considering what they have already been through.