Once finally becoming a nation, Israel established a national identity mainly through religion, using Zionism, however, differences have created many divisions. Today, nearly 80 percent of Israel is of the Jewish race. Of the 80 percent of Semitics in Israel, many smaller sub divisions exist with some receiving better treatment than others. The religious orientation has even affected social politics, where Karaites, a subgroup of Judaism are regarded as Jewish; however they are not permitted to marry other Jews. The remaining Arab population of Israel is divided even more into the dominating Sunni Muslims, Christians, and Druze. Unofficially, Arabs receive second class treatment. Having one of the highest birthrates in the world and working for low wages or not at all, due to discrimination, the Arab population of Israel is considered greatly impoverished when compared to the higher ranking Jewish population. Being oppressed, the Arab population has been becoming more radicalized which is leading to even more governmental repression. Divisions in religion have even created problems regarding holy sites in Jerusalem. In a radius of one km in Jerusalem, sacred sites of three religions sit, the Wailing Wall for Judaism, two mosques for Muslims, and numerous holy Christian sites including the site of the last supper, the Tomb of the Virgin, and more. With such a densely packed area of religious treasures, tension exists.
Psychedelic Trance originated in Israel,among other places, and its popularity has been growing around the world. |
Israel prides itself in its achievements in both the arts and technology which classifies it among the top nations in the world. Israel has created cultural identity through is “brilliance in music literature, dance and architecture.” Especially in music, the nation stands out, leading the way in Gao and Psychedelic trance music. However, most importantly, Israel is at the “forefront of science and technology,” known for their advances in genetics, medicine, agriculture, computer science, electronics, optics, cancer research, and theoretical physics. With all the advances in the science and technology field, Israel has become best known for its military technology, the uzi and advanced antiballistic defense system, and is now among the few able to launch a satellite into orbit.